Strategic Ways for Churches to Get Involved

Working together to reach all the Miao People Groups of the World

Every (and any!) church can play a part in advancing the Gospel of Jesus to all nations.  Our hope is that, as the Lord leads, we can partner with you in seeing your community step forward in obedience to the Great Commission.  Here are some ways to get involved:


Praying Church


Lead your church through a 30 day prayer focus for the Miao peoples.  Join churches from all over the world in the International day of prayer for the Miao

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Partnering Church

Commit to on-going prayer for the Miao peoples and participate in giving opportunities for your Church to help reach the Miao

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Planting Church


Parenting Church

Send a team to plant churches among Miao peoples by forming a team from your church or by partnering with two or more churches to form a team

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Reach the Miao by sending multiple teams from your church to plant multiple churches among your adopted Miao people group

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