About The Miao Peoples

"let all the nations praise you oh god"

Scattered throughout the world are a cluster of People Groups called the Miao Hmong.  Marginalized and persecuted for Millennia, the Miao people groups are some of the largest ethnic peoples without their own political country.  As an ethnic minority, the Miao Peoples of the world often times live in the poorest regions of East and Southeast Asia.

The people groups within the Miao Hmong family share a common history and root language that dates back centuries.  Though they have a shared history, each of the 71 ethnic groups within the Miao however have their own distinct culture, identity and (for many) their own separate language.


Miao Populations

Unreached and Unengaged Miao Peoples

Miao People Groups

An Unengaged People group is defined as one where 0% of the population would profess to being Christian; In addition, an unengaged people group has no current missionary activity to reach them


11.15 Million

Miao People cluster-

total population





Unreached people groups



Percent of population who identify as evangelical christian