“Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”  Luke 10:2

Learn, pray, mobilize!  Utilize the prayer videos below to ignite a passion for God's glory among the Miao peoples of the world.  Learn what it will take to see churches planted among the 50+ Unreached Miao languages of the earth.

Soli Deo Gloria,

MPN Team

Pass. for Videos: 4Jesus

Video 1: Who are the Miao?  Why are they unreached?

Video 2: What will it take to "reach" the Miao with the gospel?

Video 3: What are the language barriers that need to be overcome in order to plant churches among the miao?

Video 4: What is it like working in restricted access nations?

Video 5: What will be needed for church planting teams to stay long enough in restricted access nations to finish their work?

Video 6: In order for the gospel to be conveyed clearly to the miao, missionaries must live among the miao to learn their culture and language fluently.

Video 7: The miao peoples of the world are held in bondage to fear of spirits. pray that the lord would release captives who would be freed to follow him alone.

*many thanks to Eric M for his dedication and work in producing this video.